Pitch Deck Examples that Won Over Investors

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read

How to secure investment for your startup

How do you make a winning investor Pitch Deck?

Here are 10 steps to create your Pitch Deck. Follow these, and if your product or service has potential, you'll likely secure investment.

To make a winning pitch deck, you need to clearly define what you're selling and what sets you apart from the countless other decks investors see.

Once you have a clear idea and an organized structure, follow these steps:

       1. Create a Catchy Title - Keep it simple: use your name and your company’s name. Add a tagline or motto if you have one.

       2. Start with a Brief Introduction - Introduce yourself and give a quick background on your business. Mention your unique selling point briefly.

       3. Identify the Problem - Clearly state the problem your business solves and why it's crucial.

       4. Present Your Solution - Showcase your business idea and how it solves the problem. Highlight benefits over features.

       5. Know Your Market - Use visuals like charts and graphs to show market size, trends, and opportunities. Add financial projections if relevant.

       6. Analyze Competitors - Show what sets your product apart and why it’s the future market leader.

       7. Add Testimonials - Use testimonials to build credibility and trust.

       8. Introduce the Team - Introduce your team members with photos to add a personal touch.

       9. Highlight Achievements - Use data to display your business’s progress, milestones, and growth.

     10. End with a Call to Action - Finish with a clear call to action and include your contact details: website, email, social media, and phone number

Do Pitch Decks get investors to buy in?

Getting investment as a startup is no walk in the park. Studies by Renderforest and Ramp show that only about 1% to 2% of pitch decks actually secure funding. This makes it all the more crucial to grab investors' attention and convince them that your project is worth their money and will yield great returns.

Here are 3 tips to improve your initial idea:

  1. Storytelling. Sharing personal experiences or insights that resonate with different audience profiles can capture the attention and even stir the emotions of your potential investors.
  2. Focusing on the benefits. Highlight what sets you apart from your competitors. What major change is your business going to bring about? 
  3. Give them a reason to invest. Is your business scalable? How many sales do you make each year? What do you need the funding for?

Get a Pitch Deck Packed with Maximum Detail 🎯

5 Pitch Deck examples that achieved fundraising

Here it is: 5 Pitch Decks That Successfully Raised Funds.

Want to build the perfect Deck?


Softr is a NoCode tool that helps you to turn your spreadsheets and databases into client portals and internal tools.

Softr managed to raise $13.5M with their Pitch Deck.


The first Tinder deck

Tinder (Match Box at first) focused on explaining the problem very clearly. They sought to empathize with the listener by explaining moments in which this problem occurs. 

Below they brought the solution for that problem.

Here is the link to the Pitch Deck.

They managed to raise $50 million.


Front is a top-notch customer communication hub that helps businesses deliver personalized service on a large scale. 

Front managed to raise $59M with their Pitch Deck.


The first Facebook deck.

Facebook focused on Effective Product Presentation, Strategic Use of Transition Slides and Purposeful Information. 

The  investment was made by Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, in 2004. Thiel got a 10.2% stake in the company for that amount, valuing Facebook at around $4.9 million at the time.

Here is the link to the Pitch Deck.

They managed to raise $500.000.


The first Uber deck.

Uber nailed it with a solid grasp of the market and a well-structured problem-solution story.

Uber's first pitch deck, presented in 2008, its investment came from Garrett Camp, Uber's co-founder, and some angel investors in the early stages of the company. This initial funding helped launch and develop the transportation platform that would eventually become a hugely successful global company.

Here is the link to the Pitch Deck.

They managed to raise $200.000.


How do you make an irresistible Pitch Deck for investors?

How to make a Pitch Deck? Here is a quick checklist ✅:

  1. Intro: What we are here to discuss?
  2. Team Presentation
  3. Problem: What brought the business idea?
  4. Your solution to the problem
  5. How Your Product Works
  6. Competitive Advantage: What makes you different?
  7. Target Audience
  8. Market Analysis
  9. Business Model
  10. Comptetitor Analysis
  11. Budget you'll need for the project

Does a Pitch Deck gets investors attention?

Creating a Pitch Deck is both an art and a science. By following this guide, you can structure your pitch deck to effectively communicate your startup's value proposition and potential to investors. Remember to tailor your pitch to your audience and be prepared to iterate based on feedback. Good luck!

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